
Story of Samadhan
Chandra Bhushan Kumar
(Research Scholar, IIT Delhi)

The beginning of the Satat Samadhan Foundation starts with my dream for social responsibilities. I am from village and completed my high school education from village. The people of village struggles for quality education and basic healthcare facilities.... Even our education system generating educated unemployment in village as well as urban area. So, being from village, my dream is to solve the issues of society. In my opinion, education model of our ancient India is better than modern education model (before NEP2020). In education model of our ancient India, every shishya has opportunities to explore themselves for all kind of skills and Guru knows the capabilities of shishya that helps in training shishya accordingly. This part is missing from our modern India education system. It is my experience that students from village fells inferior to English medium cum Urbane students. There is lack of confidence in most of the students from village due to less exposure to the student’s activities like game, music, dance, and even laboratories. After experiencing these problems, I pledged to bridge this gap of inferior rural Bharat and Urban India, through creating a democratic portal, which will provide osmosis system of knowledge and action, where even a rural student without barrier can access the support of country’s finest institution's students who are equally capable to them but want to share their good fortune with their fellow brothers and sisters. Similarly, the population of rural area struggling with poor infrastructure of basic healthcare facilities at their location. They need to go to city for small-small healthcare issues. Most of the time people don’t want to go to city for small healthcare issue and wait till to the converted in serious health issue because of low economical condition. In my experience, many people lost their life due to lack of health awareness and basic medical facilities. I think, many health issues can be cured in the beginning stage which will reduce the unnatural death of the people. This noble cause took time to take organizational form. One day, my dreams became true and got selected for PhD. in IIT Delhi. I was searching for like-minded people in campus then I came to know about AINA club where students used to discuss about society and their problems. I went there and experienced amazing. I learn many things there and got like-minded friends. One day we saw some anti-nationalist group of people were trying to work against nation as well as trying to disturb the peace and harmony of the IIT Delhi campus. We openly opposed that and I saw other students also came to support in opposing their actions, this time we felt strong urge to create group of PhD scholars to work for the betterment of IIT Delhi campus with the like-minded people who want Nation Bharat's interest on top. We started with normal discussion on hot issues of the nation. After some time, I realize that this is the perfect time to start my dream work then I shared my ideas with my friends (Specially Praveen Ji, Yogita Ji, Dhairya Ji and others). They were very much agreed with my ideas. Finally, we have started with regular discussions on real problems of the society. Phase of Covid -19, kindled to finally put the stone of foundation of Satat Samadhan as during this period, evidence of trench between Bharat and India got exposed in biggest way possible. During Covid-19 lockdown, I suggested the name of group Samadhan IIT Delhi after very much brain storming search for the name which was accepted by all group members. Finally, I organized like-minded group of people to create Satat Samadhan after first lockdown. A Samadhan ( Solution) which aims to produce sustainable (Satat) ideas of solutions for Bharat. Initially, during covid-19 phase-2(May-2021 to July-2021) lockdown, we used to discuss the real problems of the society to know the views of our members and also to get better solutions. In our meeting, we used to invite many people from the outside of the IIT Delhi community. Many times, I have invited Social worker and explorer in our discussion to make understand group members about society more closely. After the end of 2nd lock down, we have started our first project to teach kids of construction workers on the construction site in IIT Delhi campus. In this project we provided free education and stationary item to around 40 kids for time period approximately 1.5 years. We have also organized medical health check-up camp for the construction workers as well as guard of IIT Delhi campus with the Help of National Medico Organization(NMO) and Shriman Ashutosh Ji (Social worker and explorer). During this project we got an offer for financial from the owner of same construction company to establish a learning centre outside of the campus. With his support, we have established our first Samadhan Gurukul in Munirka, Delhi.